The Farmlands have long awaited this day… and the day has finally come. The ruthless, barbaric Krug have invaded one of the Kingdom of Ehb’s most important territories, and now the farmers and those who reside in the territory need your help! From the minds of Massive Black / Room 8 Studios and Square Enix – take up your arms and meet Gyorn and other Dungeon Siege Heroes in the Farmlands experience from the Sandbox. Keep reading to learn more about the conception, design and production of this project. 


We aspired to capture the essence of the original Farmlands level from Dungeon Siege, evoking a sense of nostalgia while infusing our creation with a unique and contemporary twist. Our intention was never to merely replicate the past, but rather to pay homage to it in a manner that resonates with players on a deeper level. While our scenes may bear a striking resemblance to their predecessors, they are distinct and authentic in their own right. We carefully crafted each scene, weaving a narrative that intertwines seamlessly with the legacy of the original game, all the while introducing fresh elements that breathe new life into the experience. In the comparison of the three scenes below to our sandbox equivalent, you’ll discover a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation that honors the past while embracing the future.


Within the realm of creative game development, the journey is often as important as the destination. The journey for this project, encapsulated by the images below, showcases the evolution of our vision from a concept to a captivating, fully-realized world. Please disregard any missing textures in the images. This is the culmination, the end result, where our collective efforts have given birth to a virtual world that offers an immersive experience from different perspectives. It represents the culmination of painstaking effort, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

However, it’s important to recognize that the path to this achievement was not a linear one – our journey involved the creation, destruction, and rebuilding of various structures, layouts, and elements. This philosophy extended beyond the map, encompassing every facet of our project, from quest design to character placement, story progression, and more. Our pursuit of perfection meant that layouts were discarded and rebuilt, narratives were refined, and character interactions were reimagined to achieve the ideal harmony within this project. It’s a testament to the iterative and creative nature of game development, where each ‘trashed’ element was a stepping stone towards a richer, more immersive experience.

As highlighted in the preceding narrative, this immersive experience embarked on a dynamic journey of continuous development. Our process was multifaceted and adaptive. Initially, we sculpted the terrain while our diligent art team was meticulously crafting the requested assets. As the groundwork was laid, we meticulously threaded together the narrative and quests, drawing inspiration from the beloved original Farmlands experience while integrating our innovative touch.

As time unfolded, our design philosophy underwent significant shifts. The initial terrain design encouraged vertical exploration, urging players to ascend higher and higher throughout the map. However, in our pursuit of optimizing the map’s full potential, we recognized that this approach did not fully exploit the expansive space at our disposal. We responded with a strategic pivot, redesigning the player’s journey to commence at point A, progress to point B, and then navigate in alternate directions, seamlessly circling back to point A, and so forth. The early developmental images below provide a glimpse into this transformative process, a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering an exceptional and ever-evolving experience.

Throughout the project’s development, my role was instrumental in orchestrating a continuous process of refinement and enhancement. We meticulously scrutinized and fine-tuned various facets of the project to craft a captivating and polished final product. Notable among the transformations were the map’s design, which underwent multiple iterations to ensure it offered an optimal and engaging layout. I played a crucial part in this iterative design process, evaluating the terrain’s flow and layout from the perspective of gameplay. Our considerations extended to enemy types and their strategic placements, including fine-tuning their statistics such as health and damage, to maintain a balance that challenged players without overwhelming them. One notable decision was the evolution of the player’s journey. Originally, players began armed but, in a compelling departure, we revamped the concept. Now, players embarked on their adventure without weapons, gradually acquiring upgraded armaments and armor by conquering challenges and defeating progressively formidable adversaries.

Our commitment to storytelling also bore fruit under my stewardship. We invested heavily in the narrative, ensuring that players not only explored the Farmlands but also unraveled its poignant story. Players would encounter iconic characters from the franchise, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the lore. The narrative crescendoed in a climactic encounter with a formidable adversary, offering players a rewarding and immersive story replete with quests and engaging dialogue. In the pursuit of a truly immersive experience, I directed the implementation of a myriad of sensory effects aimed at enveloping players in the game world. These effects served as a constant reminder of the environment’s impact on the gameplay and contributed to player engagement.

The final culmination of these efforts is showcased in the screenshots below, providing a glimpse of the more polished and finished version of the experience. It’s a testament to our relentless pursuit of excellence, ensuring that every detail, from gameplay mechanics to narrative depth, contributes to an unforgettable and player-centric journey.

Please enjoy a complete playthrough video below! 

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